Sanctuary FAQ

  • Absolutely! This designation provides several advantages, including tax exemptions for our donors, eligibility for grants and funding, increased credibility and transparency, enhanced access to resources, and exemptions from state and local taxes. These benefits allow us to maximize our financial resources and make a greater impact.

    By utilizing these advantages, we can broaden our programs, assist more animals in need, and cultivate a stronger, more supportive network. The heightened credibility and transparency foster trust, leading to more meaningful and lasting change.

    With the tax exemptions in place, every dollar we save can be redirected toward our mission, ensuring we create the most significant impact possible.

  • We wholeheartedly accept monetary donations through a variety of convenient channels to make it easier for you to support our mission. These include our PayPal Charity account, Venmo Charity account, ShelterPay, Cuddly rescue partner account, and Zeffy Non-profit account. You can also donate via Cash App or send a check by mail. Additionally, we gladly accept credit or debit card donations through invoices (send a message with the amount and we will send an invoice by email). We are incredibly grateful for every bit of support, as it allows us to provide the best care for our beloved bully breed dogs. If you're interested in finding out more about how to donate, click here for more information.

  • We are deeply committed to providing lifelong care and a loving environment for each and every one of our residents. Our intake policy reflects this dedication: we do not perform rescue pulls from shelters, ensuring that our focus remains on the animals already in our care. We accept a very limited number of owner surrenders, typically one or fewer per quarter, to maintain our sanctuary’s high standards and resources.

    Most of our intakes come through our trusted partner rescues and advocacy organizations who share our vision of comprehensive, compassionate care. Because our primary purpose is to offer permanent sanctuary rather than facilitating adoptions and rehoming, we are exceptionally thorough and considerate in our intake process, always prioritizing the well-being of our current and future residents.

    You are welcomed to submit an application for surrender at any time. We aim to acknowledge all applications within 3 business days, regardless of the outcome.

  • While most of our dogs will happily live out their lives at the sanctuary, primarily due to medical, behavioral, or age and stress-related concerns, we do occasionally have some exceptional dogs and adorable puppies that are available for adoption. These select dogs have shown resilience and adaptability, making them wonderful companions for the right families.

    You can find details about all of our residents, including any that are ready for their new homes, here. You can also find our adoptables on Chewy, Adopt-A-Pet, and other online pet adoption sites.

  • The decision to focus solely on bully breeds is driven by a desire to challenge stereotypes, provide the love and care these dogs need, and promote a more inclusive understanding of these breeds. By empowering bully breeds and giving them a voice, we strive to create a world where every dog, regardless of breed, is treated with love, respect, and compassion.

  • We strive to create a positive atmosphere where our dogs can heal from their past experiences and have the chance to find peace and happiness in a stress-free environment. As such, we have implemented a policy that requires visitors to obtain prior approval before visiting the sanctuary. Approval is granted through Volunteer and Adoption application approvals, and by invitation.

  • You can donate, volunteer, and/or adopt! We have countless opportunities for community involvement at the sanctuary. Every contribution, whether big or small, has a significant impact on the lives of the dogs at Lucy and Bert Bully Sanctuary. We rely on the support of compassionate individuals like you to fulfill our mission and continue making a positive change in the lives of these amazing animals.

  • Item descriptionBy accurately identifying each individual dog's breed, we gain invaluable insights into their unique health considerations, distinct behavioral patterns, and specific needs that are inherent to that particular breed. This information empowers us to provide tailored care for each dog and, ultimately, increase each adoptable dog's chance of finding a loving and permanent forever home.

    By accurately identifying each individual dog's breed, we gain invaluable insights into their unique health considerations, distinct behavioral patterns, and specific needs that are inherent to that particular breed. This information empowers us to provide tailored care for each dog and, ultimately, increase each adoptable dog's chance of finding a loving and permanent forever home.

    Dog breeds influence behavioral traits due to a combination of genetics and environmental factors, among other things. Bully Breeds often showcase loyalty, affection, and a protective nature, reflecting their roles as companions and guardians. Although, there is the individual experiences and training ultimately play a crucial role in shaping each dog's unique personality, so breeding and genetics aren’t the only determining factors.

Get Involved

Donate. Adopt. Volunteer.