This is the story I’ve been waiting to tell.
— Dave
We’ve done a lot in our time, but this, this is the thing that I want to be remembered for.
— Nicole

Our Team

We’re a little bit rock ‘n roll and a little bit country.

The husband.

With a background in Operations Managment, and education in Public Relations, Dave is an ideal President for The Bully Sanctuary. He knows exactly how to make a decision and when to do it. He also knows when to delegate in order to get the very best results.

The wife.

With a background in Management, and education in Business, Marketing, and Accounting, Nicole is in a prime position as our Vice President and Treasurer. She can manage a budget better than anyone, and knows exactly when to make those strategic moves!

The daughter.

Mia's experience and expertise in sanctuary management and animal care make her the perfect fit for her role as Secretary and Assistant Director of Operations. She understands the needs of our dogs and how to keep things running like a well oiled machine.

The grandma.

Teri has decades of experience in banking, medical care, and pet and livestock care and management. As our Assistant Director fo Community Affairs, she seeks out opportunities for the sanctuary to spread the word and share our mission with the rest of the world.

The roomie.

Jesse grabs life by the horns and doesn’t mind putting in the blood, sweat, and tears for a job well done. His love for dogs, and especially bully breeds, combined with his strong work ethic and dedication make him an extraoridinary operations team member!

Get Involved

Donate. Adopt. Volunteer.